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Nano Silver Proven Safe for Humans

Keith Moeller, American Biotech Labs - Copyright 2009


A great deal of misinformation has been released from the media  claiming that nano-silver products have not been tested for safety, and that it is unknown what effects the products may have on people or the environment. It has also been stated that these silver products can  cause heavy-metal poisoning. Little, if any, of this attack on  nano-silver has validity, and more importantly it is the work of people  or special interest groups that have something else to gain by limiting a persons free right to have and use safe silver products. American  Biotech Labs has spent millions of dollars on testing the safety and  efficacy of nano-silver technology products.

EPA Registration

American Biotech Labs already has been awarded a registration for two of their ASAP nano-silver products from the EPA, after having  completed thousands of antimicrobial tests meeting strict EPA  guidelines. Those products have 10-minute-kill-time claims for both  home and hospital disinfection against deadly pathogens like staph,  yeast, and black mold, etc. The products have also been approved for  disinfecting dental water lines used to spray into human mouths, as  well as heating and ventilation systems for home and industrial use.

Nano-Silver Safe For The Home And The Environment

Each EPA approved product is required to have safety information, and according to that information a toxic spill or EPA reportable spill  amount is required to be printed in the product MSDS sheet (Material  Safety Data Sheet). For example, a chlorine-type cleaning product (found for open purchase on store shelves right now) has a toxic spill rating of about three gallons, meaning that a spill of three gallons or more  must be reported to the EPA and handled by HAZMAT authorities. In  comparison, American Biotech Labs 32 ppm nano-silver product has a  toxic spill rating of 12,500,000 gallons. An oil tanker will hold about a million gallons, which means that 12.5 oil tankers full of the ASAP  nano silver disinfectant would have to spill their entire loads of the  product together to be deemed a toxic event to the environment. The  management of American Biotech Labs believes that there is no tank or  vat large enough in the entire world that could hold and subsequently  spill enough of the ASAP disinfectant product to actually be reportable  as a toxic spill to the environment. In other words, American Biotech  Labs - ¢ nano-silver disinfectant product is perhaps the safest  disinfectant product, for environmental reasons, ever approved to kill  bacteria, mold, yeast and other pathogens.

Nano-Silver Tested For Cyto-toxicity (Will It Harm Human Cells?)

A number of independent cyto-toxicity tests have been completed on  American Biotech Labs nano-silver products. At both 10 and 22 ppm,  the products were found to do no damage at all to either human or monkey cells, meaning that they were found completely non-cyto-toxic. ASAP  nano-silver gel products were tested for cyto-toxicity at both 24 and 32 ppm by an independent FDA/EPA approved lab. According to FDA  guidelines, the cyto-toxicity is reported on a scale of 1-4 (4 being  highly cyto-toxic and 1 being very safe for use). Both the 24 and 32ppm  ASAP nano-silver products were deemed in the testing to be a level 1,  in other words having little or no negative effect on the skin.

Ingested Nano Silver Toxicity Studies

Numerous ingested toxicity studies have been completed on American  Biotech Labs nano-silver products. Some of the studies are outlined  below. Independent LD-50 tests on animals at levels equivalent to  approximately 200 times the normal internal use adult dosage were found  to be non-toxic to the animals. A 28-day bird flu study completed by a  U.S. NIH virology lab also included a toxicity study in which the  animals were fed levels of the nano-silver at 10-200 times the normal  dosage daily. The ASAP nano-silver products were found to be non-toxic  to the animals in the long term study. A separate medical college study  tested the ingestion of American Biotech Labs nano-silver product in  animals at levels of 0.5 ml, 1.0 ml, and 1.5 ml daily for 28 days, and  again found the product completely non-toxic to the animals. An Indian  (WHO approved) lab tested the ASAP nano-silver products for toxicity in a mouse-model study at levels of 50, 500, 5,000 mg/kg. The product was  again found to be completely non-toxic to the animals at all levels  tested in the Indian study. A peer-reviewed preliminary HIV Human study  found that the oral ingestion of 2 ounces daily for four months of the  10 ppm ASAP nano-silver product, had no negative effect on the seven  human patients. A U.S. Congressional Testimony outlines the use of the  ASAP nano-silver product at between 0.5-1.0 ounce daily use at 10 ppm,  for human use of the product against malaria and other human ailments  (120+ cases). In all cases, no negative effects were reported from any  of the four hospitals and clinics that tested the product, by either  external or internal use (mostly internal use).

Injected Nano-Silver Toxicity Studies

Two injected mouse model studies have been completed testing the ASAP nano-silver products at a level of 50 mg/kg, at both 10 and 32 ppm  levels. Both studies found the products to be completely non-toxic to the test animals.

Will Nano-Silver Kill Probiotic Or Friendly Digestive Bacteria?

Two independent studies have been completed by two different major  labs, testing the effect of American Biotech Labs ASAP nano-silver on  probiotic or friendly and needed digestive bacteria. Both studies found that the ASAP nano-silver products would not even inhibit the growth  of probiotic bacteria at all levels at which it is being used.

Does Silver Cause Heavy Metal Poisoning?

The claim that silver can cause toxic nephropathy or heavy metal  poisoning is being made by both pseudo-scientists and the uniformed news media. The statement shows a complete lack of even the most basic  scientific knowledge about silver. Toxic nephropathy is defined as “Any  functional or morphologic change in the kidney produced by an ingested, injected, inhaled, or absorbed drug, chemical, or biologic agent.”  Probably the most correct and widely accepted authority on the subject  would be the MERCK Manual Of Diagnosis And Treatment. The 17th edition  of the manual, on page 1880, shows the complete list of heavy metals  that can cause heavy metal poisoning. The list includes a number of  metals like copper and iron that are found in everyday vitamins, but  silver is not listed in any form. It was not accidentally forgotten from the list, and it was not listed in the comprehensive list because it  does not cause the problem! Listed under “Methemoglobin formers” the  Merck does list sodium nitrite as a cause of nephropathy, the importance of this being that if silver is mixed with heavy salt or sodium  products, it could be classified as causing nephropathy, not because of  the silver, but because of the heavy amount of salt contained in the  matrix of the combined product. The heavy use of silver nitrate in the  medical industry (both past and present) may have led people to the  common, but incorrect misconception about silver.

Has The U.S. EPA Established An RfD Or Oral Daily Silver Intake Limit?

In 1991 the EPA issued an oral intake limit for daily use on silver  to be 0.005 mg/kg/day (EPA RED Document pg.2). That means that  according to the EPA guidelines for silver ingestion, an average size  adult could safely consume the equivalent of one ounce daily of a 10  ppm silver product and not exceed the EPA established daily intake  limit. On page two of the EPA RED document it states, “EPA does not  anticipate that dietary exposure to these low levels of silver will be  associated with any significant degree of risk”.

Can Oral Silver Consumption Cause Cancer?

It has been suggested by numerous pseudo-scientists that the long  term use of silver can cause cancer in some form or another. The  statement is false. The EPA IRIS (Integrated Risk Information System)  Report on Silver states under the first paragraph listed under section  11.A.2., “No evidence of cancer in humans has been reported despite  frequent therapeutic use of the compound (silver) over the years” .  Again under section 11.A.4. it states, “Further support for the lack  of silver’s ability to induce or promote cancer stems from the finding  that, despite long standing and frequent therapeutic usage in humans,  there are no reports of cancer associated with silver” .

Can Silver Cause Cells To Mutate?

On page 9 of the EPA IRIS Report it states, “No evidence of the mutagenicity of silver was shown in two available studies”.

The European Commission Has Determaned The Oral Supplement Use Of Silver To Be Safe!

The European Commission, Health & Consumer Protection  Directorate- General, Opinion listed under Directorate B Scientific  Health Opinions, on the use of silver in medical devices, beverages,  and supplements, issued their opinion on June 27th 2000 after a  comprehensive study of the subject. The opinion is stated in their  conclusion on page eight. The opinion states, “According to Annex IV of Directive 94/36, Silver (E. 174) can be used quantum satis to color  both food and beverages, and the metal can also be ingested in the form  of dietary supplements sold in health-food shops”. In other words  they found that silver metal was safe for oral ingestion as a  supplement!

Why Are There Some Negative Historical Reports On The Use Of Silver Products

Historically, silver was used at very high levels and mixed with  numerous toxic compounds including arsenic, mercury, salt, iodine, and  others. It was not the silver in these compounds that made the complex  toxic, as listed in the reports quoting some reported case studies, but  the other added products. There is a vast amount of data on the  toxicity of the other compounds, like arsenic, which when added to  silver could make the entire matrix toxic. The most widely used  compound that was mixed with silver was salt, in the form of sodium  nitrate. Silver nitrate was used at very high levels. Even when used at those high levels, the silver nitrate products were found to be only  mildly toxic. Even found to be safe enough to put into baby’s eyes at birth. One toxicity study on rats (EPA Office Of Drinking Water report issued August 1988, Revised January, 1991 pg. III-18) cites an oral  toxicity study completed on rats. The rats were given drinking water  containing 1296 mg/l (equal to 1296 ppm silver) of silver nitrate.  Drinking the very high content silver nitrate as there entire drinking  water supply daily, the animals remained healthy for 60 weeks (1year  and 3 months). After the 60 weeks the animals started to deteriorate in health. After the 76th week the animals were returned to drinking  regular water and all animals returned to normal health. This proved  that even long term ingestion of huge levels of high-content silver  nitrate, only had a mildly negative effect on the animals, and that  effect was only temporary with no lasting effect once they were taken  off the product.

Safest Means To Protect Our Homes And Families

In December of 2000, a JAMA article reported that more than 100,000  people had died that year as a side effect of antibiotics used  correctly. That number did not include antibiotics that were misused. Of the millions of people consuming silver products of all types that  year, no deaths were reported. If a child accidentally consumed one  bottle of vitamins or household cleaner, or hundreds of other products  in our homes, he or she would most likely be killed or at least harmed.  In comparison, if that same child were to accidently drink an entire 16 ounce bottle of the EPA approved ASAP hospital disinfectant, he or she would not be harmed in any way. A major university found in its  testing that this same product, which would not hurt a child, could  kill the two most deadly bacteria found in hospitals (MRSA and VRE),  even when it was diluted way down to only 2.5 ppm. The point is that  silver may not be perfect, but it is by far the safest and most  effective, hospital, home, and body disinfectant we have in the world  today. It is the only safe way we currently have to fight off deadly  infections and disease.

Proven Effective Against Pathogens

American Biotech Labs currently holds more than 160 independent  studies from more than 60 different private, U.S. government, military, and also university labs. The studies include more than an estimated  10,000 individual antimicrobial tests. The ASAP nano-silver product has proven effective at eliminating malaria from the bloodstream in 4  different preliminary studies, in an average of just 3.34 days, by  internal human ingestion. The product was proven, in an animal-model  study at a U.S. government NIH lab, to be able to increase the survival rate of mice by 100% against the deadly H5-N1 Bird Flu virus, when  using the product orally on a daily basis (also released in peer review journal). The product was proven in a preliminary, independent, peer  reviewed journal article, to be able to increase the T lymphocyte count in 7 human AIDS patients by an average of almost 40%, in four months  of oral usage at just 2 ounces daily. The product technology is  patented to be able to kill TB, MRSA, Hepatitis b., HIV, yeast, and too many other pathogens to list here. The point is that it is very broad  spectrum antimicrobial agent, which also has been tested found to be  completely non-toxic to humans and animals at any level tested.

Personal Use

My personal anecdotal human safety study has been completed to date  using myself as a test subject. I have ingested orally an average amount of approximately 2-5 ounces weekly of the ASAP nano-silver product for the past 10 years. I have consumed as much as 20 ounces of the product in a seven day period of time. I have, in addition, used the gel  products on my face and hands and other body parts almost daily for two  years. I have suffered no ill effects. I am not blue. My kidneys and  liver function well. I have almost never been sick, even when people  around me have been. I am in very good health. I know more than a dozen  people who have used the product as long as I have. They, like me, have also experienced no negative side effects. I will continue my human  study.


American Biotech Labs has already registered with the EPA as a  pesticide, with approvals as a surface disinfectant, HVAC disinfectant,  and also as a disinfectant for dental water lines. The company has been issued a toxicity rating showing that in order for the product to be  toxic to the environment, 12,4500,000 gallons of the hospital  disinfectant product would have to be spilled at one time. No tank or  vat could even hold enough of the product at one time for it to be  considered toxic in the event of any spill. American Biotech labs has  completed millions of dollars of comprehensive, independent safety and  effectivity data on its nano-silver products, including but not limited  to: cyto-toxicity studies; injected and ingested studies at high and  low levels of silver content and also for both short and long periods  of time; also skin sensitivity studies. All studies have concluded that the ASAP nano-silver products are not toxic to cells, animals, or  humans.

The U.S. EPA has issued an RfD for silver showing that a normal size  adult could safely consume the equivalent of an ounce of a 10 ppm  product daily for an entire lifetime (based on 72 years). The European  Commission On Health And Consumer Protection issued an opinion after a  comprehensive study on silver that metallic silver was safe for  ingestion in drinks and food, and also could be sold in health-food  stores as a supplement.

Silver is not a metal that causes heavy metal poisoning as has been  reported by numerous pseudo-scientists. The Merck Index does not list  silver as a compound that cases nephropathy.

Historically silver has been mixed with numerous toxic substances  like arsenic, mercury and sodium nitrate. These substances were often  reported as having some toxic effect when used in large quantities. The  silver was not a toxic product in an of itself, but was sometimes  reported as being toxic because of the other added substances.

My own personnel study of the safety of the nano silver product has  been ongoing for the past 10 years, using an average of 2-5 ounces  weekly. I have suffered no negative side effects from my long-term  ingestion of the products. My study continues.

Humanity must be allowed some way to safely protect themselves and  their families from deadly pathogens and infections that are rampant in our hospitals, schools, and homes. Silver may not be perfect, but it  is by far the safest and most broad spectrum bacteria and infection  killing substance available to mankind right now.

Disclaimer: Please consult a medical professional in regard to your health problems. Any descriptions of scientific research, product use or other information found on this website are given only as starting points for further thought and research into nanosized Silver Solution technology and potential benefits. You are encouraged to discuss this information with your health care provider. Anyone who relies on this website information in lieu of consultation with a health professional does so at potentially grave risk. Scientific data (that may be mentioned on this site) is always changing. Also, there are dangers inherent in virtually any health situation that need to be evaluated by your health care professional who prescribes according to your unique situation. The biggest danger in self-prescribing is the delay that may result in getting “the most effective treatment” for your unique body and particular situation. Only your licensed healthcare provider can be legally and morally trusted to evaluate and recommend according to your uniqueness and the serious of your health need. Although, nanosized Silver Solution products have been shown to be both safe and effective in killing microorganisms, there may be much more that needs to be considered in any particular person’s health situation. Be advised. Be smart - and seek licensed medical help.

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